The code I wrote for this article can be found here.
When detecting cheats in the game Garry’s Mod you have countless options. Suppose we want to detect a known Lua file (containing a cheat) that a client is executing. Among various possibilities there are the following options:
- Checking for global variables (e.g.
if CHEAT_CONFIG then ... end
) - Checking for global functions (e.g.
if isfunction(OpenCheat) then ... end
) - Checking for hooks (e.g. if
hook.GetTable()["Think"]["Aimbot"] then ... end
) - Detour functions (like
) and check the content of the arguments
Cheat developers are not stupid and localize their variables and functions in most cases:
-- cheat (executed first)
local CHEAT_CONFIG = {...}
local runstring = RunString
-- more cheat code
-- anticheat
-- global variable is not accessible any more
-- function won't get called
local runstring = RunString
function RunString(code, ...)
if code == "any cheat code" then
If done correctly, there are hardly any possibilities to recognize this cheat clientside with conventional methods.
In Garry’s Mod scripts are JIT compiled using LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3. If new Lua code is executed, it is compiled before execution. However, the compilation process can be hooked. You can attach callbacks to a number of compiler events with jit.attach
In combination with debug.getinfo
, details such as the name of the function can be retrieved for each individual function that has been translated into bytecode:
local function byte_code(proto)
debug.sethook(function(event, line)
-- get the name fields and location fields
local dbg = debug.getinfo(2, "nS")
if not dbg then return end
end, "c")
We execute the following code:
-- useless code for demonstration
local string_len = string.len
local i_pairs = ipairs
local secret = {"a", "b"}
local new_secret = ""
for i, v in i_pairs(secret) do
new_secret = new_secret .. v
local len = string_len(new_secret)
Every function and variable is localized. In a realistic scenario, the code would not be executed via RunString, but would be injected by an external program. However, our method would still work:
["lastlinedefined"] = 9 |
["lastlinedefined"] = -1 |
["lastlinedefined"] = -1 |
["lastlinedefined"] = -1 |
["lastlinedefined"] = -1 |
["lastlinedefined"] = -1 |
Now we can define a table that contains the values of the “name” key. This allows us to create a kind of signature for cheat code and assign the name of the cheat to it. If all these names are executed by a client in a sequence, we can identify the cheat:
local calls = {["i_pairs"] = {
functions = {
"(for generator)",
"(for generator)",
"(for generator)",
count = 4,
cheat_name = "Super Epic Cheat V2 Ultra Pro++"
Now we adjust the function:
local function byte_code(proto)
local current_check = {}
local cntr = 1
local nm = ""
local fin = 1
debug.sethook(function(event, line)
-- get the name fields and location fields
local dbg = debug.getinfo(2, "nS")
if not dbg then return end
local name =
if not name then return end
local call = calls[name]
-- we found the first call that might fit the cheat pattern
if call then
current_check = call.functions
cntr = 1
fin = call.count
nm = call.cheat_name
-- check if name matched the next expected function
if current_check[cntr] == name then
-- increment the counter to the next expected function name
cntr = cntr + 1
-- if we reached the end of the function list, print the cheat
if cntr > fin then
print(string.format("Detected cheat %q", nm))
current_check = {}
cntr = 1
fin = 1
end, "c")
Output: Detected cheat "Super Epic Cheat V2 Ultra Pro++"
The above code is inefficient, especially with real-time applications and the expectation of a high frame rate. A debug hook should only be active for as short a time as possible. If a player does not use this particular cheat, the hook will continue to run from the first bytecode compilation until the player exits the game. We therefore expect a match with the cheat signature in the first 30 function calls. If there is still no signature match by then, we abort the debugging:
local function byte_code(proto)
-- ...
local cntr_total = 0
debug.sethook(function(event, line)
cntr_total = cntr_total + 1
-- only check first 30 calls
if cntr_total > 30 then debug.sethook() end
-- ...
This was a quick rundown of an idea I had. If you are interested, you can find my anticheat on GitHub and Steam Workshop.